Southwest Utah Public Health Department Logo
Southwest Utah Public Health Department


Utah requires wastewater to be disposed of at an approved sewer or onsite wastewater septic system. We can assist you to apply for a septic system permit, answer questions throughout the construction process, and help to ensure that your system stays in proper working condition.

Onsite System
Certificate Holders

Guide to
Septic Systems


Septic System



Water Hauling

In order for our department to issue a septic permit, a verified source of water must be available to the property. Water hauling is not an acceptable source of water for a septic permit. Only exception to this rule: if a property is seasonal (meaning there is only access to the property less than 180 days during the year because of weather-related conditions like snow), then water hauling is permissible. If a property is made accessible for more than 180 days due to snow plowing by private or public services, it must still have a water source other than water hauling in order to receive a septic permit.


Certified Onsite Professional

Property owners and contractors must perform soil and percolation tests before designing a septic system and completing a Septic System Application. *Utah regulations require that a certified individual or engineer perform soil testing and design the septic systems.

Contact for Additional Information

Contact us for additional information or for other Environmental Health programs related to wastewater treatment and disposal, including: Alternative Wastewater Treatment, Liquid Waste Pumper, Subdivision Feasibility.

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