HIPAA Privacy Act permits physicians, their office staff, and other covered entities to disclose protected health information to public health authorities without the patient’s written authorization for the purpose of preventing or controlling disease. This includes conducting public health surveillance, investigations, and/or interventions.
Review ‘List of Reportable Diseases’ and report suspected diagnosis within 24 hours or within 3 working days depending on the disease.
Who Should Report?
(Utah Code 26-6-6)
The following shall report to us as required by department rule:
- Healthcare Providers
- Facilities (licensed under Title 26, Chapter 21-Licensure & Inspection Act)
- Healthcare Facilities (operated by the Federal Government)
- Mental Healthcare Facilities.
- Care Facilities (licensed by the Department of Human Services)
- Nursing Homes & Other Care Facilities.
- Dispensaries, Clinics/Laboratories (that diagnose, test, or otherwise care for individuals who suffer from a disease suspected of being communicable)
- Individuals who have knowledge of others who have a communicable disease.
- Individuals in charge of Schools having responsibility for individuals who have a disease suspected of being communicable.
- Childcare Programs
- Food Establishments
- Any individual having knowledge of an animal bite.
Where To Report
Utah Department of Health
FAX: (801) 538-9923
24-hour Urgent Reporting
Call: (888) 374-8824
Southwest Utah Public Health
Attn: Epidemiology
Location: 620 S 400 E #400
St George, UT 84770
Call: (435) 668-0342
We will call or fax the reporting healthcare provider when additional patient information is needed.
This may include clarification about the patient’s knowledge about the diagnosis.
Tuberculosis (TB)
Our TB control nurse helps educate and guide clinicians regarding treatment and testing of tuberculosis, and works directly with active TB clients and their doctor through completion of treatment. To facilitate this, the nurse performs Directly Observed Therapy (DOT) and case management for active TB patients to ensure they receive appropriate treatment and avoid spreading disease in the community. Our office does offer TB skin testing through the Nursing Services Clinic, which must be read between 48 and 72 hours after being placed.
Quantiferon TB Gold (QFT) and T-SPOT testing are not performed by the local health department. Please speak with your healthcare provider to receive a lab requisition to have this testing completed through any laboratory services, or contact WorkMed.
We do not currently offer any treatment for Tuberculosis and do not treat any latent TB (LTBI) cases, but we do work in conjunction with healthcare providers to guide treatment and testing options.
Tuberculosis Control
Program Manual
Utah Administrative Code
TB Control & Refugee Laws
Expedited Partner Therapy (EPT)
EPT is the clinical practice of treating the sex partners of patients diagnosed with chlamydia or gonorrhea.
Healthcare providers administer prescriptions or medicine to the patient to take to his or her partner, without the healthcare provider first examining the partner. For more information, click here.
The Southwest Utah Public Health Department (SWUPHD) does not offer screening or treatment for STIs.
Refer to the CDC website for full treatment guidelines and pocket guide.
Contact Us
(435) 865-5196
(435) 986-2566
Fax: (435) 652-4069