1 in 6 children experience developmental delays. Developmental screenings provide a quick look at how children are doing in important areas, such as communication, physical ability, social and emotional skills, and problem-solving skills. By completing screenings (2 mo to 5 yrs) you can easily identify your child’s strengths as well as any areas where your child may need support. The screenings and resources we provide are free to our Southwest Utah communities.
Why Developmental Screenings Matter:
Not every delay is visible. Developmental delays and disabilities, such as autism, emotional disturbances, and speech and language disorders, often go undetected until a child enters elementary school.
Why Social-Emotional Screenings Matter:
Children’s ability to regulate emotions and skillfully manage social interactions is critical to their healthy development and future success. If social-emotional problems are identified and addressed early, children are less likely to be placed in special education programs.