Southwest Utah Public Health Department Logo
Southwest Utah Public Health Department



Our purpose is to provide resources and education to promote nutrition, healthy habits, an active lifestyle, safety, and injury prevention to improve quality of life and to allow each resident to reach their full health potential. To help us achieve our purpose we coordinate our efforts with partners. These partners include schools/universities, law enforcement, community organizations, churches, clinics, and local government. The Community Health Division has the following programs and services: Community Engagement, Healthy Living, Injury Prevention, Tobacco/Vaping Education and WIC (Women, Infants and Children).

Injury Prevention

Car Seats

Community Resources

Vape/Tobacco Education


2023 | Community Health Services Summary

Breastfeeding Coaching Contacts: 1,753

Our skilled team provides breastfeeding support by phone or in-person.

Certified Car Seat Installation Checks: 195

Our certified car seat techs provide in-person education to parents and grandparents on how to properly install car seats. We also provide free car seats to those who qualify.

Clients Enrolled in WIC: 3,738

We offer individual and family nutrition assessments and education to help families obtain healthy food. We also assist with special dietary needs.

Community Coalitions: 21

We lead and participate in coalitions to learn about resources and coordinate our efforts with community partners to strengthen individuals and families.

Community Events: 14

We lead and participate in community and health events that promote health resources and services that allow for self-reliance.

Mobile Dental Visits: 54

We coordinated with the University of Utah to offer dental services to rural communities.

Partnerships: 178

Through partnerships we strengthen our reach to promote and educate on healthy living and safe transportation and to address poverty and access to services.

Pregnant Women Enrolled in WIC: 310

We offer education on prenatal nutrition, infant feeding, meal planning and shopping on a budget.

Quitline Referrals: 351

These referrals are to a cost-effective cessation program with trained coaches to help participants develop a plan. 

Safe Routes: 9,694

We work with schools to promote safety while riding and walking to school in our communities.

TOP Star: 494

This program is a free continuing education program for childcare providers designed to help providers improve the quality of the nutrition, physical activity, and breastfeeding environments in their child care facility.

Vaping & Tobacco Education Reach: 836

Our team provides both online and in-person education to students, teachers, resource officers and parents on the harmful effects of tobacco and vaping products.

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