Southwest Utah Public Health Department Logo
Southwest Utah Public Health Department



Our purpose is to provide resources and education to promote nutrition, healthy habits, an active lifestyle, and injury prevention to improve quality of life and to allow each resident to reach their full health potential. To help us achieve our purpose we coordinate our efforts with partners. These many partners include schools/universities, law enforcement, community organizations, churches, clinics, and local government. The Community Health Division has the following programs and services: Community Engagement, Healthy Living, Injury Prevention, Tobacco/Vaping Education and WIC (Women, Infants and Children).

Injury Prevention

Car Seats

Vape/Tobacco Education


2024 | Community Health Services Summary

Breastfeeding Coaching Contacts: 2,077

Our skilled team provides breastfeeding education and support by phone or in-person.

Certified Car Seat Installation Checks: 268

Our nationally certified car seat technicians provide in-person education to parents and grandparents on how to properly install car seats. We also provide free car seats to those who qualify.

Children Served by TOP Star: 1,108

This program is free to early childcare facilities, both commercial or in-home and is provided in partnership with the Department of Health and Human Services. It encourages quality and enhanced programming in physical activity, nutrition and breastfeeding accommodations.

Clients Enrolled in WIC: 4,254

We offer individual and family nutrition assessments and education to help families obtain healthy food. In addition, we offer assistance with budget-friendly meal planning, shopping, and support for special dietary needs.

Community Class Participants: 470

In 2024, we collaborated with local medical professionals and organizations to provide 48 community classes on a variety of healthy living topics, including fall prevention.

Community Coalitions: 21

We collaborate and lead within coalitions to enhance community relationships, share resources, and support individuals and families.

Community Events: 83

We take part in and lead community and health events that provide important health resources and services that foster self-reliance.

Mobile Dental Visits: 155

Through a partnership with the University of Utah and Utah Tech we offer mobile dental services.

Partnerships: 131

By collaborating with others, we can expand our reach and increase our influence. This allows us to advocate for healthy lifestyles and safe transportation, while also addressing poverty and improving access to essential services. We can also better inform the public on these important issues.

Pregnant Women Enrolled in WIC: 288

We offer individualized family nutrition counseling, including infant feeding and prenatal nutrition education.

Quitservices Referrals: 280

A no-cost individualized cessation coaching program available to all Utahns who desire to lead a life free of nicotine dependence.

Safe Routes: 10,512

We collaborate with schools to enhance safety for students walking and biking to and from school.

Vaping Prevention Education: 356

The S.P.E.A.R (Students, Police, Education, Achievement, and Resiliency) summer program provides in-depth vaping education to 6th, 8th, and 10th graders. This collaborative program with local law enforcement aims to strengthen youth and law enforcement relationships while promoting individual responsibility, community engagement, and academic success.

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